Evidence-based Approach

Masterfully Assembled!

Lawenda and Middelmann have masterfully assembled a comprehensive guide to empower cancer patients with a practical evidence-based approach to effortlessly understand the importance of nutrition and how to confront just about every possible scenario they may face on their cancer journey. Soon after a patient hears they have cancer, they are given information by their oncology team of professionals about the best treatments and the side effects that often accompany the treatment plan. Many of my patients are often frightened and overwhelmed, not not sure where to start,  while others will take charge and research strategies to improve and understand how to mitigate the treatment side effects. Both sets of patients often face a myriad of resources online and in print that can be difficult to navigate or comprehend and in some instances can be detrimental. I can see most if not all of my patients benefiting from the useful information and recommendations in this powerful book.

Patrick Linson MD
Radiation oncologist

Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center

A long-time Cancer Patient

As a long-time cancer patient advocate with a focus on reducing the harms of conventional treatments, I was delighted to read this book.  Nutrition is well-covered (obviously) and there are a lot of very useful ideas for people at every stage of their cancer journey, including end of life.

Ann Fonfa, Annie Appleseed Project

A Breath Of Fresh Air

This is the book we have been waiting for! In a world filled with unsubstantiated theories and dubious practices, Dr. Brian Lawenda and Conner Middlemann’s Empowered Against Cancer is a breath of fresh air. They display an open-minded (but far from naive) attitude towards complementary approaches. The book is subtitled “A Practical Guide” and this is no exaggeration. Every cancer patient should have a copy of this invaluable book close at hand to help deal with the many questions raised by aggressive cancer therapy.

Ralph Moss PhD, Moss Reports

Complementary Strategies For Cancer Therapy

What a joy it is to read a book on complementary strategies for cancer therapy that is embracing and open-minded yet, at the same time, clear-eyed and critical. Lawenda and Middleman seriously and scientifically examine the evidence behind the multitude of diet and wellness approaches currently advocated. No patient alive can incorporate all these approaches. Some are bogus, others expensive, and many conflict. Patients need a trustworthy guide to help them prioritize according to the likelihood of meaningful benefit. The authors, in this readable and well-referenced book, have done exactly that.

Anthony Zietman, M.D., Shipley Professor of Radiation Oncology Mass General Cancer Center

Optimal For Me As A Caregiver

The timing of the release of Empowered Against Cancer is optimal for me as a caregiver, entrusted as the health advocate for a newly diagnosed friend who is a combination of terrified and numb. This book will be empowering us on a research based path toward emotional positivity and the hope of physical wellness, rather than one of helpless fear and anxiety she has described as torture. Anyone who is currently receiving cancer treatment, is in remission and fears recurrence, or is the caregiver of someone who has cancer will doubtlessly benefit from learning from the integrative options that are presented in a manner that is easily readable and incredibly motivational for a layperson. Previously experiencing loved ones challenged while battling cancer, I am questioning why their oncologists never mentioned incorporating these opportunities for them to feel more control and less confusion by actively contributing to their self-healing or a more peaceful end of life experience.

Highly recommend to people with cancer, families, friends and providers

A perfect guidebook for anyone diagnosed with cancer who desires to become proactive in their journey to optimal health. The book covers a lot of ground on cancer treatment and prevention based on scientific research. It debunks popular anti-cancer diets in favor of a well-rounded healthy diet that is inhospitable to cancer cells. I love how Connor encourages healthy choices, gives hints on how to cook the food mentioned, tells the nutrient content but yet allows for some leeway. I have had my doubts about the standard recommendations for cancer, but have not had the time to dig through the research to the depth I would like.  Dr. Lawenda and Conner presented the research in an easy-to-read reference book. Every chapter recommends references or websites to explore that offer more information on the topic and where to order the products mentioned. The book is well indexed so re-finding the topic later is not an issue. Empowered Against Cancer is an extremely comprehensive book that I highly recommend to people with cancer, families and friends of those with cancer and their health care providers. 

Randee Miller APRN BC
Owner and Nurse Practitioner
Holistic Medical & Wellness Center

I highly Recommend It!

I am a breast cancer survivor. This book is an extensive review of related research on cancer do’s and don’ts for the consumption of someone facing cancer themselves or in support of a loved one dealing with cancer.  It affords me a clear path of how to move forward in my recovery and healing process.  I believe anyone dealing with cancer will find in this book a wealth of very helpful and beneficial information.  I highly recommend it.  

Rebecca Renfro